when i hunted for sdcc hotels

This morning had to go work at my cousin’s “Walk for a Wish” 5K. Mom and this other girl were at one place keeping cars from coming in, and dad and I were in another doing the same thing. But dad and I had the car, we just sat in it and would get out only if a car came along, so we were ok. But dang it was cold otherwise! It was awful!! Ugh!

I’d been having trouble finding a hotel that is actually very near the San Diego Convention Center. Y’know, after the “Desert Palm” debacle, I’m kinda worried about it (we made reservations there for AX, having been promised it was “right across the street” from AX’s con center. We ended up switching to one of the official hotels and I’m glad we did- we never even were able to FIND the Desert Palm…) Anyway, I had somebody post on a message board for me to see what people who had actually been there had to say about the hotels. Only got one reply so far, and that was ‘make a few friends and crash with them while you’re there.’ Um, I don’t think so? That sounds awful.

‘Sides, I’m not really online enough to “make friends” with someone. At least not good enough that I’d ask them, “hey can I stay with you?” I mean, there are a few people I only know online who if they asked to stay with me, I’d say yes – but only if it were one or two people, not my horde I’m taking to SDCC. I want my own little private little space with my friends – possibly a suite – with maid service. LOL. I want to come and go as a please, and above all, I don’t want to try to get in costume in someone else’s house.
